Who We Are
We are a women-led team of farmers, medicine makers, seed keepers, and community organizers who work together in shared passion for education and justice.
Marissa Joe, Health & Justice Coordinator
Marissa Joe is Hopi and Diné from the Village of Sipaulovi in Second Mesa, Arizona. She is Honwungwa (Bear Clan) on her Hopi side and on her Navajo side she is born for Kiyaa’áanii (Towering House Clan). She is the mother of two beautiful daughters and was raised by her mother and maternal grandmother. This upbringing sparked a deep-rooted love for planting, growing, and preparing traditional foods.
More about Marissa...
Renée Fourie, Financial Administrator & Education Coordinator
Renée Fourie is a Pacific Islander-Caucasian seed saver, Earth steward, and firm believer in the healing power of food. Her academic education focused on anthropology, geology, and adult education, but upon learning about the magic of seeds, she realized that all her learning intersected when connected to the world of seed saving.
More about Renée...
Board of Directors
Shannon Francis, co-ChairpersonÂ
Shannon Francis is a Hopi and Dineh from the Southwest homelands of Arizona and New Mexico. She is Towering House clan born for Red Running into the Water clan. Her Hopi clans are Massau’, Bear Sand, and Snake Clan. Shannon comes from twelve generations of earth caretakers, ethnobotanists, and seed keepers.
More about Shannon...
Joseluis Ortiz y Muniz, co-Chairperson
Hi, My name is Joseluis Ortiz. I am an indigenous Genizaro, land-based, native New Mexican from the Genizaro land grant (La Merced de Santo Tomas el Apostol de Rio de Las Trampas) village of Rodarte and currently live in my maternal village of San Antonio Del Rio Embudo or modern-day “Dixon” in the high desert of Northern New Mexico.