


While our Seed Story program is current on hiatus, you are still welcome to check out our previous Seed Stories from the past two years. We hope you enjoy!

Seed Stories

Daryle Conquering Bear Crow

Daryle Conquering Bear is an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota Tribe of South Dakota and resides in Denver, Colorado. Daryle has a passion for growing food and talking about seeds to youth and elders, believing that our seeds are our food for a better future. 

April Jones

A dynamic woman who currently resides in Columbia, South Carolina, April is the founder of the Pinehurst Farmers Market, blogger for Frolicking Americana, an advocate for second-hand fashion, and a sustainability consultant.


Val Valdez

Descubriendo Mis Maices: An Ethnobotanical Pilgrimage is Val's latest project, documenting her 6-month seed journey in the land of her Ancestors 𑁋 Central Mexico. She shares her reflections through photography, poetry, collage, and of course, seeds.

Brandon Francis pt2

Brandon is a plant researcher, but his first 'classroom lessons' were held in the corn fields of his family when he was a youth. We casually conversate about food sovereignty, grains, and the importance of intersecting food growing with childhood.

Brandon Francis pt1

Brandon connects us to corn and his cosmology through stories and traditions practiced by his ancestors for thousands of years, offering a researcher's perspective of why these practices have continued into modern times.

Chance Morales & the TigerMountain Foundation

Chance Morales has a deep passion for people and horticulture, and shares how he has been able to combine these two interests to build a stronger future with the TigerMountain Foundation


Learn more about Jeff Wagner and how Groundwork operates while addressing: how might we reimagine U.S. society in the age of climate change? and what does it mean to be a responsible human in an unraveling world? 

Nike Forté-Sesay

Nika digs deep with her food-related projects around Phoenix. She directs farmers markets, a major farm that feeds 1000s annually for free, educates on the how-to's of growing food, and inspires new beekeepers.

Grow Local Colorado

An organization of dedicated volunteers and partnerships who nurture public garden spaces to increase healthy local food access. Co-Directors Linda and Barbara are doing a fantastic job with the help of the community!

Indra Shekhar Singh

An independant journalist on agri-policy, Indra shares updates about the 2020-2021 Farmer’s Protests and the 3 Farm Bills that were repealed by the Modi government in India, and more! Learn more about Indra at his LinkedIn.

Seed Stories on Youtube

You can check out all our episodes on YouTube for 2022 and before! Plenty of great info from incredible seed savers and food activists. Check out our Youtube and review the playlists: 2022 Seed Story and Seed Socials.

Listen to our Podcasts 

Download any Seed Story at our Podcast Page or Spotify