
Val Valdez: Descubriendo Mis Maices

Born, grazed, and now based in El Valle de San Luis, Colorado, Valentina Valdez (Val) is a 5th generation farmer eager to merge her passions for the environment, human-centered business, and agriculture. She is an activist for equitable and sustainable agriculture and self-identifies as a radical chicanx ecofeminist. She graduated from the University of Southern California, in 2020, with a BS in Business Administration where her emphasis of study was Social Entrepreneurship. Her academic as well as lived experiences have guidedher towards her current area of study where she is“studying economics as if humans mattered” by learning about cooperative and collective enterprise, the power of mutual aid, and how we can steer this neoliberal ship consciously in a different, more sustainable direction.

Her most recent work is entitled Descubriendo Mis Maices: An Ethnobotanical Pilgrimage. This project documented a 6-month seed journey in the land of her Ancestors 𑁋 Central Mexico 𑁋 through photography, poetry, collage, and of course, seeds.

You can read her report and view her beautiful images on her Instagram profile descubriendo.mis.maices.