

We work to be responsive to the needs of food growers and seed keepers in our region and globally. by observing natural rhythms we learn to be mycelial and relational. Through intentional outreach, weĀ nourish relationships to be long-lasting throughĀ shared values.

Reciprocal Relationships

We organize, work in solidarity with, and support individuals, groups, and organizations to actualize the vision of aĀ healthy world rooted in community care for all life, the land, water, people, and seeds.

Reach outĀ to build relationship & collaborate with us: admin(@)seedsincommon.org

Community Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on the challenges and issues that current and aspiring food growers and seed savers face to help inform the direction of our evolving organization.

WeĀ value your input!

fill out the survey