
At Home Germination Test

Testing seeds that you save from your own garden or find in the back of your junk drawer can save you time and prevent you from wasting garden space and resources. If you’re giving seed to a seed share or a seed library, it’s important that you know the seeds you’re sharing are viable, so as not to discourage anyone from gardening or participating in community seed efforts in the future. This germination testing method is the same method used by large and commercial seed companies.

This method will work for most seeds, but some seeds require special preparation before being planted such as soaking or chilling (vernalization or stratification). Before performing a germination test, get to know the seed to ensure you’re offering an optimal environment for it to grow. All seeds need to stay moist and warm (>55°F) to germinate.

**You can also use soil, but be mindful to sterilize your transplant trays before seeding to prevent contamination of pathogens.**

Reference: Seed Savers Exchange Home Germination Test 

*Printable document available here


  • 10-100 seeds
  • Paper towel
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Ziploc bag
  • Permanent marker
  • Notebook 
  1. Rip 2-4 sheets of paper towel, enough to hold your seeds and fold a sheet to cover them.
  2. On your Ziploc bag write the seed variety, amount of seeds, source of seeds, and the date with your permanent marker.
  3. Record the same information in your garden notebook.
  4. Spray the paper towel to moisten, but do not soak it. The moist paper towel will stick to the table and the seeds to prevent them from rolling out of place.
  5. Start to line up your seeds in a grid, leaving 1 inch from the edges of the paper towel and between ½ – 1½ inches between the seeds, depending on the seed size.
  6. Once the seeds are placed, accordion fold the paper towel over the seeds and press on the edges, or place another paper towel over the seeds and moisten with the spray bottle.
  7. Slide the paper towel and seeds into the bag, close it, and store in a dark and not overly heated space.

Most seeds will germinate within 3-10 days. Check on your seeds daily and make sure they are staying moist. Take them out of the bag and mist the paper towel if needed.
Some seeds may not be viable and won’t germinate, others may get mold and should be removed from the bag immediately to prevent other seeds from getting moldy too.

Only count the seeds that show healthy germination, resulting in a few roots and a main radicle.

Determining Germination Percentage
  1. Formula: Healthy Seedlings / Total Seeds) x 100 = Germination Rate.
  2. Divide the amount of successful germinations by the total amount of seed tested, then multiply by 100. For example, if you started with 25 seeds, and 23 germinated:
    25 ÷ 23 = 0.92 x 100 = 92%.

  3. If you want to plant the young seedlings, Seed Savers Exchange recommends cutting the paper towel around the root body and then planting in soil. Keep indoors until strong enough for the outdoor environment.